
StrAus-Zert is subdivided into a testing laboratory (P-body) and a certification body (Z-body). From an organisational point of view, inspection is the responsibility of the Z-body.

StrAus-Zert evaluates and verifies the constancy of performance for circulation fixtures according to System 1 in accordance with mandates M111 and M132.

Head of StrAus-Zert

  • Head: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Bargen
  • Deputy head: Dr. Claudia Drewes

Advisory board

An advisory board has been appointed to ensure the confidentiality and impartiality of the certification body. The composition of the advisory board reflects the interests of representatives from authorities, customers, manufacturers, users and certification bodies.

Currently, the members of the Advisory Board are:

  • Laura Dreyer, Landesbetrieb Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz (LBM)
  • Janine Kübler, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
  • Ass. Jur. Sebastian Wolf, Industrieverband Straßenausstattung e.V. (IVSt)